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Autumn is a time of mixed emotions: the summer is over, the colours change and the shadows are getting longer as the nights draw in. For many, autumn heralds the transition from glorious Indian summers into the cold, dark and desolate winter months.
But there’s plenty still to enjoy in this most magnificent of seasons. The leaves are crisp and beautifully golden brown, the farmer earns his corn and the natural world puts on a final flurry of amazing splendour before hunkering down for winter.
Autumn can be described as a time of plenty: fruits, nuts and seeds are everywhere. There is a dazzling array of colours and shapes as the plants spread the next generation for the following year. It’s the time of harvest – that annual celebration of ploughing the fields and scattering the good seed on the land. The humble combine harvester becomes a common sight in Britain’s fields, the yellow machine humbly working its magic, trundling back and forth, to bring in the crops. Foggy mornings and darker evenings make harvest time the perfect opportunity to indulge: there are few things better than homely teas, rich stew, and thick, warm soup full of lovely seasonal ingredients,.
Speaking of which, you don’t need to be a farmer to be able to enjoy all the harvest has to offer. This time of year is perfect for growing fruit – apples, pears and raspberries thrive during the season so why not check out our beautiful wooden trugs?
Nothing says the onset of autumn quite like a stunning wildlife display – from red deer ruts, mass bird migrations and starling murmurations to the foraging squirrel.
Who doesn’t love watching the wonderful wildlife from our windows, as – all year round – our gardens become a Mecca for many different varieties of all shapes and sizes. If you wish to attract wildlife into your garden then seed balls are perfect. Seedballs are a mixture of British wildflower seeds which are mixed with clay and chilli powder to prevent birds from eating them whilst they germinate. They are designed for planting a wildflower meadow and to attract birds, butterflies and bats into your garden depending on which tin you choose. They should be scattered in the Autumn or Spring to ensure germination at the right time.
Autumn is a time of hunting for conkers, that wonderful cracking nose – the soundtrack of toe-punting a posse of fallen leaves, for roasting chestnuts and the roaring bonfires. The woodlands are transforming: where once there was green, there’s now a stunning kaleidoscope of colours – bursts of red, fiery ochre, orange, purple berries and shiny acorns and nuts tempting the thrushes and squirrels. While too many people put their walking gear to the back of the cupboard and hang up their walking boots the minute summer starts to fade, make the most of the fabulous scenery and peaceful tranquillity to don your wellies, pack your raincoat (just in case) and head out to one of Britain’s open, outdoor spaces.
After that invigorating, uplifting autumnal stroll, it’s time to sit astride a while and take in everything this wonderful season has to offer. As the sun sets and the dusk is upon us, why not get a roaring fire going, prepare the marshmallows for toasting and cosy down with family and friends. The weather may be changing but make the most of being outdoors and roll out one of our lovely rugs to help you do just that. Sit back and relax to enjoy the perfect end to a perfect day.